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van Wesele (Coat of Arms)...
Description. Shield: In red with three jumping silver weasels.
Govert van Wessel (Wesele) Rochusz. (Town Council of Dordrecht 1705-12 September 1719. 1, 2) Van Weesel (3) |  a.) van Wesele |
Sources: (Dutch sources have not been translated)
- CBG, 1.7.2, Namen en Wapenen der Ed.Agtbare Heeren Oud Raden Ofte Vroedschappen der Stad Dordrecht. Zoo als dezelve in den Jaare 1652 op Veertigh Persoenen als Wanneer het getal is Bepaald in leven zijn geweest.
- CBG, en KB, Naamen en Wapenen van de Bailliuwen en Rentmeesters Generaal van Zuid-Holland, van soo oude tijden als deselve te vinden sijn mitsgaders beschrijvinge van de wijse van Regeeringe der Stad Dordrecht, nevens de naamen en wapenen der Edele Achtbaare Heeren Oud-Raaden sedert denjaare 1652 als wanneer derselve getal op veertig personen is bepaald geworden. Alles tot deese tijden vervolgd. 18de eeuw, blz. 83.
- CBG, GHS 50C03, Reinier van Heemskerck, Waapen boeck van adelijke en aanzienelijke famiellien in de 17 provintien van de Nederlanden. Alle uit de waapens en grafzarken en cachetten bij een versamelt en op het alphabet gesteld, blz. 184.
Information from the Heraldic Databank, Central Bureau for Genealogy (CBG), Filename: wessel01.wpd (pag 1)
Comments: Although this is a serious source, the coat of arms is related to the van Wesele family, originally from 's-Gravenwezel (Gemeente Weinegem) Belgium. This van Wesele lineage can be traced back to the Heer Gerard VAN WESELE (B:1260?) one of the Heren (Lords) of Dordrecht. The lineage continues through:
- Heer Gijsbert Amman Gerardse VAN WESELE (B1290?)
- Heer Willem Gijsbertse VAN WESELE (B:1315?)
- Heer Jan Willemse VAN WESELE (B1360?)
- Heer Thomas VAN WESEL(E) (B:1400?)
- Heer Cleys Thomaszn VAN WES(S)EL (B1442?)
- Heer Thomas Cleyzn VAN WES(S)EL (B:1480?)
- Rochus VAN WES(S)EL (1510?-1567?)
- Francois Rochusz VAN WES(S)EL (B:1545?) [his bother leads to the HONERT family]
- Rochus VAN WES(S)EL (B:1573?)
- Govert VAN WES(S)EL (B:1597)
- Rochus Govertse VAN WES(SEL)
- Cornelia VAN WES(S)EL (25 March, 1663 - 21 June, 1737). Cornelia marries a minister, Rev. Adrianus VAN NOORTWIJCK (26 June, 1656 - 1692) on 30 May, 1656. They had the following children:
- Maria Margaretha VAN NOORTWIJCK (23 Februari, 1684 - 21 September, 1712)
- Rochus VAN NOORTWIJCK (16 September, 1685 - 18 August, 1689)
- Johan VAN NOORTWIJCK (6 March, 1687 - 1 July, 1691)
- Simon VAN NOORTWIJCK (14 November, 1688 - 1774)
- Rochus VAN NOORTWIJCK (6 August, 1690 - 1 July, 1720)
- Cornelia VAN NOORTWIJCK (22 June, 1692 - 1754). Cornelia later married Rev. Wilhelmus (Willem)
Gulielmus LUPARDUS (1669-1702). At the end of 1695 Cornelia moves to Flatbush, Long Island, New York (America) with Willem and the children. After the death of Willem, Cornelia married Martin SCHENK (born 1675). She had children from both her 2nd and 3rd marriage. Alle VANNORTWICK, VANORTWICK and other spellings are descendents of Simon VAN NOORTWIJCK. Rochus VAN NOORTWIJCK returned to the Netherlands and had 2 daughters. [Additional information on Cornelia, her children and husbands received from Rob van Noortwijk on 19 June, 2005, "Bedankt Rob".]
- Adrianus VAN NOORTWIJCK was a minister in Rozenburg.
There is also a coat of arms for 'van Wesele of Bruges' (see illustration on left): Argent (silver) three chevrons Gules (red)). It seems that the name VAN WESSEL, if used in that way, has been an acquired name and there is no link with the Barneveld van Wessels. For more information about the Wesele and Honert family see the notes by Augus de Man.
Also note the similarity between Wesel and Wezel (the Dutch word for Weasel). These are VAN WESELs and not VAN WESSELs.
There is also the 'famous' 16th century anatomist Andreus
Vesalius VAN WESELE (1514-1564). He was the great grandson
of an old professor in mahematics and astronomy Jan Van
Wesele. Van Hengel suggests that his family was called ANDRIES
who came from the German town of Wesel, hence his Flemish
name VAN WESELE (see article
by W. van Hengel (Dutch)) (CTvW). See also the information about the Hanzetown
of Wesel in Germany.