Image: Family tree showing Hendrik VAN WESSEL - © 2019

Genealogical Data (Descendant Books) ...

This is the more interesting part of the website for most visitors. Remember to treat this data with respect and please give reference to the source as I have done where possible. Of course, we cannot guarantee that all data is 100% correct, copying mistakes are human, and some parts are still untidy. A large part of this data is based on material in the archive here in Scotland and underpinned with documentation, but some data has been obtained on-line. For the moment it is what it is. However we have many more names to enter from the material available and perhaps now, in retirement, we may have some more time for this. So please check so now and then.

Descendants of Harmen VAN WESSEL (25 May, 2020)

Descendants of Arie HOOFIES (HOVIUS) (28 November, 2019)

Descendants of Arnold BAKKER (28 November, 2019)

Descendants of Bernardus VAN DER LINDEN (28 November, 2019)

Note: Descendants books are presented here as pdf's and should be included in Google search results. We have included the names for living individuals and their relationships, but excluded dates and details for the moment. It helps researchers and this information is already in the public domain (registry offices, other websites etc.). Dates (but not details) may be includes in future. The pdf's are generated with Legacy V9.0.

If you are a VAN WESSEL and have questions, please drop me a line. If your name is not on the website, we may have details here on paper, but we need at least, parents, grand parents and great grand parents data to see if/where you link into the family structure. As far as we know there is only one VAN WESSEL family, but there are a number of large branches. There are also some VAN WESSELs who have addopted the name.

If you wish to do some research of your own try try searching at (use for Achternaam: Wessel and Tussenvoegsel: van). This a far more reliable source than the many websites you find online with often poorly researched or borrowed data.
